Elevate Your Fitness with the OODA Ball

Experience a Workout Revolution

Discover the OODA Ball: a groundbreaking fitness tool designed to transform your workouts from mundane to dynamic, engaging every muscle for a comprehensive, full-body routine. Perfect for any fitness level, the OODA Ball ensures your workout is anything but ordinary.

Where Art Meets Science

OODA Ball is designed with our patented R.T.H.M. (Reactive Target Hyper-kinetic Motion) Technology to give you maximum control by optimizing weight, speed, and density.



I present to you, OODA BALL. A mall ball that will help you train your cardio, footwork, precision, coordination - a bit of everything.
It's for everybody — boxers, MMA fighters, kickboxers and for those who just want to do cardio-boxing.

Kristof Midoux
World Renown Fight Coach & VIP Trainer

This amazing piece of equipment allows participants to build core strength and improve cardiovascular capabilities all while testing their reaction time, hand speed, rhythm, timing, hand-eye coordination and reflexive reactions.

Vladimir Alexandru
Founder of HAOS

As a lifetime athlete, I'm always looking to push my potential to a new level. I feel that OODA Ball.. allows me to do just that - to use my instincts, coordination and controlled power to the max, while having fun with the best fight fitness workout I've experienced so far!

Jimena Mora Anchia
2x Costa Rican Boxing Champion

I have been implementing OODA Ball into my functional training circuits for over? years now. Members really enjoy using the OODA Ball because it provides a challenge yet always brings a smile.

Derek Della Rocca
Certified Athletic Therapist, Owner of X-FIT St-Laurent

The best thing about the OODA ball is the level of anticipation due to the lack of comfort and also the challenge in dealing with a landing ball. Basically, always being put outside of our comfort zone as there are no breaks in between to just move around and catch your breath.

James Vanglath Kick Boxer
Professional Fight Fitness Trainer

functional Meets interactive

OODA Ball is designed with our patented R.T.H.M. (Reactive Target Hyper-kinetic Motion) Technology to give you maximum control by optimizing weight, speed, and density.

Full body engagement

Maximize muscle engagement and toning.

cardiovascular health

Elevate your heart rate and boost endurance.

Agility & Coordination

Improve reflexes with unpredictable movement.


Flow State

From the



ooda tech